Zubov Andrey

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  • № 2, 2009


      This report made by A.Zubov on 13 Ocober 2008 at the seminar in the Institute of Social Studies at the Warsaw University presents the author’s view on the reasons that determined deep differences in the way that Eastern European and Baltic states on the one hand and the majority of the former Soviet republics on the other overcame communism. Having detected a totality of factors that prevented the latter from overcoming totalitarian past, A.Zubov at the same time notes a number of tendencies allowing to hope that with time post-soviet states would be able to join the family of nations building their life on the principles of political democracy, civil freedom and moral responsibility.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2009-53-2-187-194

  • № 1, 2006

    • Cycles of the Russian History

      The author carries out the retrospective analysis of the Russian history identifying its three cycles. The article is focused on the transition periods between these cycles characterized by the times of troubles. A. Zubov qualifies the XX-th century in the Russian history as the end of another big national cycle and the transition through the time of troubles. According to the author the restoration period has only begun and it is going with much difficulty. By analogy with the previous times of troubles it will take at least as much time to eradicate the third time of troubles as it lasted (75 years) which means it will be over by 2050-2080.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2006-40-1-5-12

      Pages: 5-12

  • № 1, 1998

    • Can the Traditional Legal Order Make Up a Base for the New Russian Statehood?

      The present day Russian state from the legal point of view is the heir-at-law of the USSR and the RSFSR. All laws that were adopted between 1917-1991 are still valid unless they were abrogated by the new laws. However the communist regime that was set up as a result of the capture of power by force and preserved the power for 70 years has no legal base at all. This was a juridical fiction. Ergo: the present-day regime can be either considered as totally illegitimate or as having a limited legitimacy. During the referendum of December,12, 1993 the Russian society had no idea about its legal status and the authorities did not bother to explain this status to the citizens, thus neither the Referendum itself, nor the Constitution that was adopted can be considered state-forming. Strictly adhering to the juridical notions, we have to admit that the only legitimate base in the present-day Russia is the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire that had never been referred to as acting Law by the reformers.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-1998-7-1-81-115

      Pages: 81-115