Pankevich Natalia

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  • № 3, 2011


      Nowadays the search for technological solutions that would allow taking extraterritorial activity of the corporate sector under control is moving to the forefront of politico-legal regulation. The historically elaborated mechanisms that used to rather successfully maintain socially acceptable forms of corporate behavior are losing their efficiency, and states and social communities appear to be armless before the increasing power of transnational corporations. The article presents the analysis of politico-legal reasons for the growing deficit of modern states’ authority regarding TNCs with the main one being the contradiction between the principles of exclusive territoriality and state sovereignty, on the one side, and tendencies of deterritorialization and denationalization of economic activity, on the other side. The author also evaluates chances for the creation of compensatory mechanisms that will be able to overcome problems generated by the territorial logic of powers of authority distribution.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2011-62-3-55-69

  • № 4, 2009


      In this article the author makes an attempt to reveal the grave reasons for increasing corruption risks during globalization. According to the author’s hypothesis, corruption is something that is much more complicated than just a bureaucrat’s abuse, and the scale of its spread hinges upon the wider social, political and administrative context. Having analyzed the ongoing processes from this standpoint, N.Pankevich elucidates that globalization results in the state structures subordination to the ethics of market relations with the world politico-economical system no longer being the market of competing corporations and turning into the market of competing bureaucracies that are contesting for the attraction of investments. The mergence of the state management and market mechanisms leads to the emergence of a special system within which business and power exchange their resources without public control. The author concludes that the main prerequisite for reaching security against corruption is a clear institutional separation of market and state.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2009-55-4-75-85

  • № 2, 2008